Chuffed with my Choux Puffs

I’ve always watched bakers make choux pastry on TV programmes and thought it looks like the most fun pastry to make, I mean, you get to use a saucepan and watch all the chemistry happen!

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Zoe Childs
Stem Ginger Biscuit Gems

Sometimes these are crumbly and other times they are really crumbly! Struggling to find that balance between biscuits that turn out like boiled sweets and biscuits that crumble just by looking at them, however…

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Zoe Childs
Fed up of Freaking out when you're Eating out? Snap.

You know that feeling when something just looks too good to be true? or the alarm bells are going off in your head as the waiting staff haven’t exactly filled you with confidence when they say “oh but it does contain butter!” Even sticking to the same “trusty” restaurants seem to fill you with dread. Oh I hear you.

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Zoe Childs
Gluten Free AND Vegan Strawberry Cake!

Gluten free AND Vegan, ooh you would think this was a mix of nightmares, but oh no no no! I think this was one of the yummiest things I have made recently, I have a lot to learn about vegan, gluten free baking but I am pleased as punch with my first attempt!

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Zoe Childs
A Free From Field mouse?!

When you know nothing about Coeliac disease, food can be an overwhelming, anxiety inducing experience for all involved. Wheat just seems to pop up in everything!… pizza, bread, cake, biscuits, pasta, cereal, pancakes the list goes on..

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Zoe Childs